Training & Capacity Building
Community-based work is complex and ever-changing. Staying up to date with best practices while running and evaluating your efforts is hard. We get it.
We can help you take the challenges you are facing today and equip you with the tools, knowledge, and strategies to devise relevant and community oriented solutions.
Optimize learning to transform knowledge into practice
We help you maximize your impact, develop systems that are grounded in reality & create real results in your community. We deliver customized learning that helps develop & empower staff and cultivate & retain leaders in social and health issue prevention. You’ll come away from our training & capacity building engagements with the knowledge and discreet skills you can apply to current challenges in your community to enhance efforts and improve outcomes

Our Training & Capacity Building Services
Training & Capacity Building Consultation
Our engaging & highly trained staff bring dynamic adult learning to individuals and organizations in both in-person and virtual spaces.

Notable Projects
in Training & Capacity Building
Tags: Foundation, California, Research, Evaluation
Blue Shield of California Foundation: Breaking the Cycle Statewide Evaluation
The BTC initiative is centered on funding current promising practices that address the intergenerational needs of California families and communities to break the cycle of domestic violence. Our evaluation supports BSCF's goals to understand at the initiative level what can be learned about the funded approaches' potential for primary and secondary prevention of domestic violence. An additional key question is understanding what resources these promising practices need to successfully evaluate their efforts in order to prevent domestic violence and sustain effective outcomes.
SPS serves in two vital roles on behalf of BSCF:
Provide TA to grantees on evaluation so they may collect evidence of project specific and initiative wide impact as well as data for program improvement. This includes assessing the current capacity of each grantee to evaluate their prevention programming and tailoring technical assistance to grantee capacity, ensuring grantees are addressing initiative-wide indicators of multi-generational outcomes, and coordinating and providing TA to site-specific evaluators.
Cross-site evaluation to synthesize learnings of the two-generation approach and identify common outcomes across promising prevention approaches. The cross-site evaluation activities identify ongoing evaluation support needs, and technical assistance activities increase the capacity of grantees to answer project-specific and initiative-wide evaluation questions.

Tags: Alaska, Alaska Native Peoples; Behavioral Health Aides, Mental Health; Public Health; Violence Prevention; Community Responses To Crises, Asynchronous, Self-led, Tribal Organization
Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium
SPS has been contracted by the Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium (ANTHC) Behavioral Health Department to develop and produce six e-learning courses that will be used by students training to become certified Behavioral Health Aides (village-based counselors; BHAs). These courses are predominantly delivered using an asynchronous, eLearning format, with SPS staff serving as both subject matter experts and instructional designers. In partnership with the U.S. Department of Labor, ANTHC recently established a Registered Apprenticeship program for BHAs to work in community health settings, the first program of its kind in the nation. This program combines on-the-job training and learning in BHAs’ home communities with classroom instruction, of which eLearnings and other distance-delivered courses will be an integral part.

Tags: Alaska, Teen, Conference, Prevention, Community Impact
Alaska Network on Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault
SPS provides technical assistance services to the Alaska Network on Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault (ANDVSA). We support the annual “LeadOn for Peace and Equality” teen conference by facilitating planning sessions to set up the conference and evaluation sessions after the conference. We assist ANDVSA in planning a new evaluation approach to LeadOn strategy for the following year, with a focus on how ANDVSA can measure effects of LeadOn at the community level, including the impact of the community projects teens do as a follow-on aspect of the conference.
We also provide technical assistance to ANDVSA to develop evaluation measures for grant recipients of prevention funding from the Council on Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault in Alaska. We host statewide prevention calls for member programs to council them on best practices in violence prevention. We assist in planning the annual Prevention Gathering for member programs and provide in-person support at the Gathering.

Tags: National, Statewide Nonprofit Organizations, Local Nonprofit Organization, Prevention, Assessment, Organizational Planning, Strategic Planning, Statewide Nonprofit Organizations, Local Nonprofit Organizations, Funders
Prevention Capacity Assessment
SPS has been a national leader in the assessment of organizational capacity for prevention. We continue to provide trainings and assessments of organizational capacity for prevention, and are in the final stages of testing a new online tool to assess the capacity of organizations to engage in the primary prevention of intimate partner violence and sexual assault. Originally developed by our President, Wendi Siebold, SPS administered and analyzed a version of the assessment, called the “Coalition Prevention Capacity Assessment” with funding from the CDC Foundation as part of the CDC and RWJF-funded DELTA-PREP project. Findings from this pilot administration have been summarized for CDC’s capacity-building efforts with the 19 DELTA PREP-funded states. Psychometric analyses are being conducted to finalize this assessment for larger use within the field. Access the online toolkit for administering the PCA here.