Happy New Year to our valued clients and partners!

2022 was a fantastic year at Strategic Prevention Solutions, and we so appreciate the honor of working alongside such inspiring people – like you. Thank you for being part of the solution for creating a healthier and more equitable world.
We’ve grown a lot this year! We welcomed new staff to our team, including a Business Development Manager, Office Administrator, Media Manager, and Research Associate. We now employ 11 personnel spanning from Alaska to Kentucky to Florida and have office locations in Alaska and California.
We’ve also been building our infrastructure as a small research firm, while keeping our values-forward approach to working in communities. We now have four official lines of business including: Research & Evaluation, Training & Capacity Building, Community Planning, and Organizational Development. We have expanded our policies and continue to increase our operating budget with the help of our financial consultants and Executive Team. These changes allow us to have better visibility into our overhead and profit margins so that we can continue to offer the high-quality services we provide at a rate that fits our clients’ budgets.
We are also celebrating some important work anniversaries and promotions! Brittany Murrell is now our Executive Vice-President, and recently celebrated 4 years of working at SPS. Lexi Prunella is now our Chief Operations Officer and in February 2023 will be celebrating 9 years of working at SPS! Rachel Wintz celebrated 4 years at SPS and is now our Operations Manager. In January 2023, Patricia Reyes will be celebrating 8 years of working at SPS and is now our Director of California Operations.
We are expanding our reach in California with staff located in the Bay Area and Los Angeles. In the new year, we expect to hire a new indigenous research associate in Alaska. We also continue to host social work practicum students.
I’m personally excited that we’ve just released a newly expanded and revised version of our flagship publication: the Program Planning & Evaluation Workbook.

The new version is applicable to the broad array of socio-behavioral topics our clients are dedicated to addressing, and includes new worksheets & toolkits, and highlights expanded content area about culturally responsive evaluation, community assessments, managing resources, and more!
As a token of our gratitude for our partnerships, we’re offering 10% off the new workbook as a little thank you gift. Use code NEWYEAR23 between now and 1/19/2023. We appreciate the role you have had in making 2022 a good year, and we are grateful for our working relationships!
Best wishes for the New Year,
